Sunday, October 21, 2012

Midterm Review - Arlen Stawasz

Rising Tides - The Climate Change Research Library

I think I may need a new title for the project. I felt the reviewers feedback was helpful, spot on, and critical for the next phases in the production process in order to fine tune my argument. 

The general comments I received were in regards to "what's next". The reviewers focused on some of the missing gaps from my presentation such as:
  • "How does the building change over time?" 
  • "What does the building mean socially or culturally as the city floods? 
  • "Who still comes to the building after the city has flooded?"
  • "What will it be connected to after the city has flooded?"
  • "Because it could be by itself, could it have future uses?"
In general, I agree that all of these questions can be addressed in diagrams, model making, and narrative. 

My plan is to further develop the narrative, not only literary, but graphically. If I am to produce a series of diagrams that graphically describe the changes of sea level rise over time, then I can build the argument for this evolution. I plan to address the narrative describing the connections to the land, water, and sky on multiple scales in multiple drawings. I also plan to clean up the details of my plans, sections, details and diagrams for a succinct quick and clear presentation.

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