Monday, August 27, 2012

Summer Readings - mik

Here is an overview for two books that I have read over the summer:

- In Praise of Shaddows”  by Edwin McCellan

The first book that I have read and enjoyed is called  “ In Praise of Shaddows”  by Edwin McCellan.
This book had compared the relationship between the design as a product of social conditions that is seen and valued in context. he had exposed the Japanese tradition and cultural values which shaped the material form. He had also explained how forcing it out of context may change it’s essence allowing it to loose it’s originality and intent. His examples of comparing the cultural value of the Japanese and the European influences that slowly dissolved the cultural significant and the value of traditional form.

- The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture” by Juhani Pallasmaa

The second book is called “The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture” by Juhani Pallasmaa. It described somewhat similar concept of the ‘before and after’ focusing on the architects ability to record and express meaning through built form further emphasizing the fact that the current means of teaching and making form is separating the architects  mind from ability and craftsmanship. 

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