Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Next Steps

Sorry for the delay, I've been trying to catch up on family, friend, and makeup time at the office.

Overall, I was pleased with the constructive feedback from the reviewers on my project, and I am confident that the next phases will allow me to develop a deeper approach to constructing an argument that is self satisfying, fruitful and rich with stimulation.

I felt my presentation needs some finer tuning, and the feedback I received to clarify my argument was something that I have been trying to absorb. The delineation of stilted vs. flooded is an architectural language/parti I plan on carrying throughout the development of the site and interior mechanics of the building. I want my project to be thought of as one with the landscape, and as one that does not fight the climate change, but accepts it for what it is. My project is about the change, its projection, and the potential long term solutions. Climate mediation is a global concern, and I want my project to serve as a catalyst for discussion for the resilence of waterfront cities. 

In efforts to refine my analysis, I must take a more rigorous approach in researching the projected sea level rise (in other words, lets get real with the numbers). What does 1 - 2 meters really look like in section? How does the spaces and activities change as the water is rising? When does it start to become a problem and where/ what does it immediately effect? What does a site model of rising currents look like? Does the model change over time? I feel this will help me with my narrative and analytical thinking of the site.

I also want to investigate the library program much further. What really happens in this building? What specific research occurs and how is it different than a typical research library? I plan to develop my narrative, and start to realize potential client(s). Recently I have attended a conference hosted by the BSA and Urban Land Institute "Preparing Boston for Climage Change and Sea Rise". The conference led me to develop connections and establish repores with people in Boston also concerned with this issue. Perhaps some of these people can become my potential clients.

The attached image is one of my renderings from the presentation on May 17th, 2012. Although it was a bold move, I plan to use it as a reference in the next steps.

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